Publisher theme is the best and most complete magazine, blog and Newspaper theme that was created ever for WordPress.
We are working on Publisher about 4 years. Publisher was the new best seller theme on ThemeForest for 2 years with 15000+ sales just before we decide to leave the ThemeForest.
We created Publisher by with our 10+ year on creating and running magazine, news and blog sites and because of that it's most detailed theme in features and functionality that brings more visitors and better SEO to your site.
110k Sites Are Using Publisher theme!
58 Pre made demos + 1 Click demo installer
20 Premium Plugins Included
Crafted with 10+ years of experience in creating magazine websites
Publisher Theme
Publisher theme is the best and most complete magazine, blog and Newspaper theme that was created ever for WordPress.
We are working on Publisher about 4 years. Publisher was the new best seller theme on ThemeForest for 2 years with 15000+ sales just before we decide to leave the ThemeForest.
We created Publisher by with our 10+ year on creating and running magazine, news and blog sites and because of that it's most detailed theme in features and functionality that brings more visitors and better SEO to your site.
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