The research work was carried out to assess the awareness level of industrial radiography among radiography students. This research work entails the administration of A total of 230 questionnaires distributed and 191 were retrieved, representing a response rate of 83.1%. One hundred and eight (56.5%) of the respondents were males and eighty-three (43.5%) were females. One hundred and one (52.9%) of the respondents fall within the age range of 17 to 18, seventy-two (37.7%) are within the age range of 15 to 16. This work demonstrated the reason why there is a poor awareness level of industrial radiography among radiography students in the University of Sokoto. The data collected were analyzed and presented in percentages and a conclusion was drawn about the subject. The work shows a distribution of respondents that have heard about industrial radiography and constitute 45%, also that 17% heard about industrial radiography by the use of school library, 34% of the respondent heard about industrial radiography using the media, 49% by friends.
Background to the study
Imaging technologists work in a health care facility, using specialized equipment to create internal images used by doctors to diagnose injuries or illnesses. As an imaging technologist, your primary job duties include preparing patients for imaging procedures, operating the equipment, and producing images. You use a variety of techniques, including sonography and radiology, to capture these images. Storing images and maintaining patient records is another aspect of the job. Many imaging technologists specialize in a particular area, such as abdomen, breast, or gynaecology imaging, so responsibilities can vary by specialization. The career requires education in imaging technologies, experience operating all relevant equipment, and an understanding of the safety protocol that goes along with the use of radiation.
The quest for career awareness begins to manifest mostly during the late teenage years as high school students become conscious of their social expectations and begin preparation for career exploration Baryey (2005). Preparation for career exploration according to Herr and Johnson (1989) requires that students actively seek out information about alternative choices; learn about their own skills, attitudes, values, and interests; and discover educational and career opportunities.
Awareness is a state of consciousness; it involves bringing to memory forgotten information, acquiring new information, listening to a lecture, reading books and conversing with others in order to enlighten them McDaniel (2010). Awareness of a career in imaging technology provides information to senior science students which will be useful to enable them to make decisions informed about career choices. Modern theories of carrier awareness and development began in the 1950s, the concept was to make development a more‟ comprehensive view of the individual and their occupational development over the life span Gysbers (2009).
It has been revealed that the absence of counselling and awareness creation in secondary school are the major contributing factors to low Nigerian students participation in programmes like imaging technology, and other professional courses Baryey (2005). The United Kingdom; (Council for Education Policy, Research and Improvement CEPRI 2004), has identified that awareness on career and professional education as a primary area where increase focus, resources and new approaches would produce a very significant improvement in the quality and effectiveness of the education system7. Kathy, (2008), found that awareness activities help to expand student understanding of the word of work by identifying the career pathways and specific occupations that meet their interest and values, awareness also helps to locate and research information about specific occupations, develop an initial understanding of education and training requirements, understanding the changing nature of a career due to technological advances and its impact on the global economy.
Therefore, the aim of this research is to assess the level of knowledge and awareness among secondary school students toward the medical imaging technology profession as well as to determine means of creating greater awareness among secondary school students toward it.
The Student is expected to be conscious of his or her personal value, interest, weakness and strength and the forces of society to enable them to have a panoramic approach to his or her choice in life. The aim of career awareness is to contribute to the imprisonment achievement and prosperity of individuals and communities. Catty and Sample (2001) , stated that carrier awareness devoid of counselling may not yield the needed result. Awareness services should focus on helping students to compare his or her strength, value and interest with the value risk, qualifications and requirements of occupation the individual wishes to pursue George et al (1985). The medical imaging technology profession should be one that an individual will like to pursue and will be happy practising all his life because of high-quality carrier opportunities. UNESCO (2008) states that Career awareness puts students on the right education to enable them to achieve their goals by choosing a course that is related to the profession one wishes to pursue help, this helps in the promotion, increment, and overall self-development of the individual Career education. Career guidance is seen as having a key role in preventing inflows into unemployment, particularly long time unemployment. It has been stated that the introduction of career awareness into tertiary institutions has been observed as necessary to prepare students and equip them with the requisite skills required to enter into both the private and public sector and run a successful business. Such awareness is necessary to streamline student’s interest in what they are capable of doing and help to reduce graduate unemployment and accelerate national development
Statement of the problem
Since the discovery of x-rays in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen and radioactivity by Henry Becquerel, the use of x-rays and gamma rays have been applied to the medical profession where it has found itself useful in the diagnosis and in therapeutic to combat disease and in the industrial world where it is used in various means of quality assessment and non-destructive testing of metals, crystals, metal and other materials.
In Nigeria, the medical imaging technology field is the most recognized and acclaimed course in radiography and is most often found in Nigeria Universities compared to its counterparts, therefore, there is no bearing showing the teaching of imaging technology in Nigeria by schools that are offering radiography. This work, therefore, is on the Assessment Of Medical Imaging Technology Awareness Among Science Secondary School Students.
Purpose of the study/objectives
The main objective of this study is to investigate the Assessment Of Medical Imaging Technology Awareness Among Science Secondary School Students.
The study was anchored on the following specific objectives;
Assessing Knowledge About Imaging Technology Among Senior Science Secondary School Students
Assessing Awareness Of Imaging Technology Among Senior Science Secondary School Students
Assessing The Importance Of Career Education And Parental Guide To Senior Science Secondary School Students In Career Choice
Research questions/hypothesis
What are the Knowledge About Imaging Technology Among Senior Science Secondary School Students?
What are the Awareness Of Imaging Technology Among Senior Science Secondary School Students?
What are the Importance Of Career Education And Parental Guide To Senior Science Secondary School students In Career Choice?
This research work will increase the level of awareness among students and also serve as an enlightenment campaign to medical imaging technology students in Sokoto state.
The outcome of this study would contribute to the existing body of knowledge. Because, though there are a lot of studies on radiography, there is a dearth of evidence using data on secondary school students. The outcome of the study would therefore serve as reference material for subsequent researchers and would provide a basis for further research in this area
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The research work was carried out to assess the awareness level of industrial radiography among radiography students. This research work entails the administration of A total of 230 questionnaires distributed and 191 were retrieved, representing a response rate of 83.1%. One hundred and eight (56.5%) of the respondents were males and eighty-three (43.5%) were females. One hundred and one (52.9%) of the respondents fall within the age range of 17 to 18, seventy-two (37.7%) are within the age range of 15 to 16. This work demonstrated the reason why there is a poor awareness level of industrial radiography among radiography students in the University of Sokoto. The data collected were analyzed and presented in percentages and a conclusion was drawn about the subject. The work shows a distribution of respondents that have heard about industrial radiography and constitute 45%, also that 17% heard about industrial radiography by the use of school library, 34% of the respondent heard about industrial radiography using the media, 49% by friends.
Background to the study
Imaging technologists work in a health care facility, using specialized equipment to create internal images used by doctors to diagnose injuries or illnesses. As an imaging technologist, your primary job duties include preparing patients for imaging procedures, operating the equipment, and producing images. You use a variety of techniques, including sonography and radiology, to capture these images. Storing images and maintaining patient records is another aspect of the job. Many imaging technologists specialize in a particular area, such as abdomen, breast, or gynaecology imaging, so responsibilities can vary by specialization. The career requires education in imaging technologies, experience operating all relevant equipment, and an understanding of the safety protocol that goes along with the use of radiation.
The quest for career awareness begins to manifest mostly during the late teenage years as high school students become conscious of their social expectations and begin preparation for career exploration Baryey (2005). Preparation for career exploration according to Herr and Johnson (1989) requires that students actively seek out information about alternative choices; learn about their own skills, attitudes, values, and interests; and discover educational and career opportunities.
Awareness is a state of consciousness; it involves bringing to memory forgotten information, acquiring new information, listening to a lecture, reading books and conversing with others in order to enlighten them McDaniel (2010). Awareness of a career in imaging technology provides information to senior science students which will be useful to enable them to make decisions informed about career choices. Modern theories of carrier awareness and development began in the 1950s, the concept was to make development a more‟ comprehensive view of the individual and their occupational development over the life span Gysbers (2009).
It has been revealed that the absence of counselling and awareness creation in secondary school are the major contributing factors to low Nigerian students participation in programmes like imaging technology, and other professional courses Baryey (2005). The United Kingdom; (Council for Education Policy, Research and Improvement CEPRI 2004), has identified that awareness on career and professional education as a primary area where increase focus, resources and new approaches would produce a very significant improvement in the quality and effectiveness of the education system7. Kathy, (2008), found that awareness activities help to expand student understanding of the word of work by identifying the career pathways and specific occupations that meet their interest and values, awareness also helps to locate and research information about specific occupations, develop an initial understanding of education and training requirements, understanding the changing nature of a career due to technological advances and its impact on the global economy.
Therefore, the aim of this research is to assess the level of knowledge and awareness among secondary school students toward the medical imaging technology profession as well as to determine means of creating greater awareness among secondary school students toward it.
The Student is expected to be conscious of his or her personal value, interest, weakness and strength and the forces of society to enable them to have a panoramic approach to his or her choice in life. The aim of career awareness is to contribute to the imprisonment achievement and prosperity of individuals and communities. Catty and Sample (2001) , stated that carrier awareness devoid of counselling may not yield the needed result. Awareness services should focus on helping students to compare his or her strength, value and interest with the value risk, qualifications and requirements of occupation the individual wishes to pursue George et al (1985). The medical imaging technology profession should be one that an individual will like to pursue and will be happy practising all his life because of high-quality carrier opportunities. UNESCO (2008) states that Career awareness puts students on the right education to enable them to achieve their goals by choosing a course that is related to the profession one wishes to pursue help, this helps in the promotion, increment, and overall self-development of the individual Career education. Career guidance is seen as having a key role in preventing inflows into unemployment, particularly long time unemployment. It has been stated that the introduction of career awareness into tertiary institutions has been observed as necessary to prepare students and equip them with the requisite skills required to enter into both the private and public sector and run a successful business. Such awareness is necessary to streamline student’s interest in what they are capable of doing and help to reduce graduate unemployment and accelerate national development
Statement of the problem
Since the discovery of x-rays in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen and radioactivity by Henry Becquerel, the use of x-rays and gamma rays have been applied to the medical profession where it has found itself useful in the diagnosis and in therapeutic to combat disease and in the industrial world where it is used in various means of quality assessment and non-destructive testing of metals, crystals, metal and other materials.
In Nigeria, the medical imaging technology field is the most recognized and acclaimed course in radiography and is most often found in Nigeria Universities compared to its counterparts, therefore, there is no bearing showing the teaching of imaging technology in Nigeria by schools that are offering radiography. This work, therefore, is on the Assessment Of Medical Imaging Technology Awareness Among Science Secondary School Students.
Purpose of the study/objectives
The main objective of this study is to investigate the Assessment Of Medical Imaging Technology Awareness Among Science Secondary School Students.
The study was anchored on the following specific objectives;
Assessing Knowledge About Imaging Technology Among Senior Science Secondary School Students
Assessing Awareness Of Imaging Technology Among Senior Science Secondary School Students
Assessing The Importance Of Career Education And Parental Guide To Senior Science Secondary School Students In Career Choice
Research questions/hypothesis
What are the Knowledge About Imaging Technology Among Senior Science Secondary School Students?
What are the Awareness Of Imaging Technology Among Senior Science Secondary School Students?
What are the Importance Of Career Education And Parental Guide To Senior Science Secondary School students In Career Choice?
This research work will increase the level of awareness among students and also serve as an enlightenment campaign to medical imaging technology students in Sokoto state.
The outcome of this study would contribute to the existing body of knowledge. Because, though there are a lot of studies on radiography, there is a dearth of evidence using data on secondary school students. The outcome of the study would therefore serve as reference material for subsequent researchers and would provide a basis for further research in this area
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